Terms and Conditions
Please ensure your read and understand the following statement


All classes can be cancelled in your online profile up to 24 hour before the class begins. You will be unable to cancel your place within 24 hours of the class start time. We can manually cancel your place and reinstate your credit at our discretion if you contact us before the class starts. Classes are set at a maximum of 20 people per class and we operate on a first come, first served basis, so please book early if you attend a popular class to avoid disappointment.


Workshops (Up to 2.5 hours in duration) require 1 week's notice to cancel and receive a full refund.


Day events (Over 2.5 hours in duration) require 2 week's notice to cancel and receive a full refund.


5 class passes – Valid for 2 months from date of purchase.

10 class passes – Valid for 4 months from date of purchase.